Partnership with parents

It is the policy of Kinderworld Day Nursery to establish close links with parents in order to exchange information and involve parents in their child's learning and development as parents are the children's first and most long-term educators. When parents and practitioners work together creating a two-way flow of information, knowledge and expertise, the results have a positive impact on the child's development and learning.

When parents and practitioners share a joint interest in, and responsibility for children's development and learning children usually feel more confident and positive about themselves and their learning when parents and practitioners work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. We therefore aim to develop effective partnerships with parents in order to enhance learning and development of each child.

We also recognise that children need time to establish their confidence in a new situation. The way in which our practitioners work together with parents to settle a new child into the Nursery is of great importance in developing the relationship between parent, practitioner and child. Frequent pre-visits are recommended and we do not charge for these.

Some of the way's we work together are as follows:

  • Settling in period where the child and parent start to build a relationship with their key practitioners
  • Daily conversations between parents and the child's key person
  • Daily / weekly diaries for our under 2 year olds
  • Joint contribution to the child's personal development profile
  • Family events (such as outings, parties and annual picnic)
  • Stay and play sessions
  • Parents information is emailed and/or posted on the nursery Facebook and Instagram pages
  • We welcome and respond to feedback and comments

Read more about Kinderworld Nurseries:

Kinderworld premises
Kinderworld philosophy

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